Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring Shots

Be sure your horses all have their Spring shots. In upstate New York our horses get "stuck" twice over a six week period of time. The first series of shots were on March 3oth.

My horses got their rabies and rhino/flu shots along with a blood draw for a selenium check and Coggins. The next series of shots will be on May 6th, when they get their West Nile Virus (WNV) and Eastern Western Encephalomyletis* + Tetanus (EWT) shots.

*EWE is a virus that is transmitted by mosquitos. The virus can also be transmitted by an infected horse as well as by birds bitten by infected mosquitos.

Our horses give so much and ask for so little. Protect them! Be sure they get innoculated against those unseen viruses that can kill them.

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