Friday, December 3, 2010

Winter Ride

When I woke up this morning it was 23 degrees outside. I put my polar fleece riding pants on, warm boots, an insulated sweatshirt over a turtleneck, and headed out to the barn. When I got there, I put up a couple of low jumps in the indoor ring, groomed my horses, and tacked up to ride. I got toasty warm in a hurry.

The horses were full of themselves, as only thoroughbred mares can be. I rode Silver this morning. At 19, she's still full of powerful exuberance. She jumps big to the point of almost jumping me off her back. We both had an exhilarating ride. I feel energized for the rest of the day, and she feels up and happy with our workout together.  

I love this weather. It's energizing for both horse and rider and there are no flies or mosquitoes to combat. If I had to rate my morning on a scale of  1 to'd be an 11.


bodylift said...

In winter horse rising is proved as a best exercise. You definitely enjoyed it.

Pam Beers. said...

Thanks for the comment. Riding keeps me in shape during the winter months.